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The oil extracted from pulp still contains water emulsion and particles of the fruit and mucilage in suspension. The clarification allows the oil to remove these substances over time compromise the quality favoring oxidation, hydrolysis and fermentation.
Then the mixture passes into DECANTER: centrifugal water and oil are channeled to different directions, due to differences in specific gravity. The oil is then cleaned of impurities remaining through a natural filtration system, without any type of chemical solvent. The absence of water and impurities ensures that purity of flavor and texture, that body and that aroma that makes our oil unique.







Frantoio Stefano Gallo
Agency manages: Bosco Falconeria - C/da Marchesa SS 113 Km 320,600 Partinico (PA) - ITALY
Registered office: Via Mangione, 96 - 91011 Alcamo (TP) - Tel.+39 091 8789270 - 330 738567       E-mail: info@oliogallo.it
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