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Frantoio Gallo uses the decanter of ALFA LAVAL (centrifugation) exploits the different specific gravity of water and oil. In a horizontal centrifuge, the dough is rotated at high speed so as to separate the three components: oil, vegetation water and residues and pulp (pomace), all in percentage from the adherent type of OLIVE.

Olio Gallo - Decanter

Frantoio Stefano Gallo
Agency manages: Bosco Falconeria - C/da Marchesa SS 113 Km 320,600 Partinico (PA) - ITALY
Registered office: Via Mangione, 96 - 91011 Alcamo (TP) - Tel.+39 091 8789270 - 330 738567       E-mail info@oliogallo.it
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