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The family run Gallo Agency manages the olive grove in Contrada Bosco Falconeria, an area full of ancient traditions, which takes its name from the excellence of the Falcon hunt- one of the favourite pastimes of King Federico II. The area was, in fact, the preferred residence of the King for this and also for the excellence of the oil which was and stili is produced in the grove. Here, thanks to the special microclimate and nearness to the sea as well as the strong and sandy soil, the olive trees, which have been maturing for over a thousandyears, are able toyield a high Quality product. The varieties of olives that make up our oil are a small amount of Nocellara del Bellice with Biancolilla which are added to the main ingredient of Cerasuola.
The olives are harvested by hand in October and November and are pressed within the Gallo agency. The oil is then stored and bottled without any filtration process, so obtaining a distinct and strongly characterised oil with a resolute, fruity perfume, a medium sweet taste giving way to a slightly spicy aftertaste of bitter almonds and tender artichoke.
Our company holds to a policy of traceability for the whole production process, so giving a further guarantee of the Quality of our oil.
In our crusher grinds organic olives and organic olive oil you can buy with certification approved.



Frantoio Stefano Gallo
Agency manages: Bosco Falconeria - C/da Marchesa SS 113 Km 320,600 Partinico (PA) - ITALY
Registered office: Via Mangione, 96 - 91011 Alcamo (TP) - Tel.+39 091 8789270 - 330 738567       E-mail: info@oliogallo.it
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